The Regiment comprises a number of sub-units that offer different roles and opportunities.
Headquarters Squadron
Headquarters Squadron is the largest and most varied sub-unit and provides enabling support to the rest of the Regiment. It is home to professional logisticians, medics and a substantial Command & Information Systems (CIS) Troop that performs a similar role to the former Signals Squadron.
1 Squadron
1 (Special OP) Squadron delivers a Surveillance and Reconnaissance (SR) Patrols capability. Working in small and often isolated teams, the role of SR Patrols is to conduct high-risk static covert surveillance in order to deliver joint effects at range. SR Patrols are the direct successor to the OP parties created in 1973 for employment in BAOR. Service in the SR Patrol requires successful completion of the SR Patrol Course, which selects and trains soldiers for the substantial mental and physical challenges of the role.
2 and 3 Squadrons
2 and 3 Squadrons deliver Light Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance Detachments. Their role is to provide technical surveillance and target acquisition capability and advice to supported arms at the Battlegroup level.
A Battery
A Battery provides light gun operators as individual reinforcements to Regular close support artillery regiments. A Battery has a close association with 7 Para RHA; attendance on P Coy is open to soldiers in A Battery.
The HAC Band, which is a very busy and heavily employed sub-unit, provides military music in support of MoD and Army objectives. It regularly supports state ceremonial events and conducts engagements overseas.
Further Details
Visit the Regiment's Who We Are page for more information, or Joining the HAC for contact details.