HAC Enquiries:020 7382 1537
Venue Hire Enquiries:020 7382 1533
Regimental Enquiries:020 7448 0703
A Battery’s No. 1 Sub-section gun in action, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, 1916; the crew await a telephone order to fire (HAC Archives)
A Battery’s anti-submarine guard near Dier el Belah, end March–15 April 1917 (HAC Archives)
B Battery’s mascot, Teddy. He sailed for Egypt, 1915 and was with the Battery in Palestine. He went missing in June 1918, found in September, returned to England 1919, and died 1926 (HAC Archives)
Infantry bell tents cover the Artillery Garden, August 1914 (HAC Archives)
Blacksmiths shoe a transport horse of the 1st Battalion in the Artillery Garden, August 1914 (HAC Archives)
Members of No. 12 Platoon, C Company, 3rd Battalion “working in the bombing pit”, Blackheath training facility, March 1916 (HAC Archives)
A Battery’s tents at Mena Camp, Cairo, December 1915 (HAC Archives)
Christmas Dinner for C Company, 2nd Battalion, Imst, Austria, 25 December 1918 (HAC Archives)
An officer of the HAC's 2nd Battalion and its mascot, a Great Dane with cropped ears, Imst, Austria, 1919 (HAC Archives)
B Battery’s Commanding Officer inspects a mine, possibly El Arish, Egypt, January 1917 (HAC Archives)
"Motor Cyclists of the HAC”, probably members of 2/A Battery, c.1915 (HAC Archives)
HAC B Battery at Giza, whilst based at Mena Camp, Cairo, before heading to Palestine, December 1916 (HAC Archives)
HAC's 2nd Battalion create a star shape in the snowy landscape, Imst, Austria 1919 (HAC Archives)
“B” Sub-section of B Battery firing at Munkeileh, Gaza, just before a shell knocks out the men pictured, 19 April 1917 (HAC Archives)
A trench barber, Ypres Salient area, c.spring 1915 (HAC Archives)