HAC Enquiries:020 7382 1537

Venue Hire Enquiries:020 7382 1533

Regimental Enquiries:020 7448 0703

Sports and Societies


There are currently ten sports clubs under the HAC Sports banner. Members of these clubs represent the HAC throughout the year on the sports fields and are drawn primarily from the veteran membership and the active Regiment. Uniquely, however, members of the public are welcome to join these clubs too - if you are interested in finding out more, see each club's details below or complete the enquiry form.


Veteran and active members of the Company are also eligible to take part in our many societies. Through regular events, these societies provide further opportunities for veteran and active members to develop their camaraderie and thus remain advocates of the Regiment throughout wider society. Educational lectures and networking events further develop members' understanding of the HAC's unique standing throughout history.

HAC Cricket Club
HAC Rugby Club
HAC Mess Club
Historical Society
Cricket Club

Cricket has a long tradition at the HAC, with evidence showing that it has been played on Artillery Garden since at least 1725. The current club fields three sides: the 1st, 2nd and A XIs.

Season, Fixtures and Training

All teams play a full schedule of weekend fixtures throughout the summer. Matches usually take place on the high-quality grounds of Artillery Garden at Armoury House, along with the hospitality which the Club can offer.

Other Activities

A winter tour is often also organised, such as the recent successful tour to Malta. The annual HAC Sports Presentation evening takes place in September, where players join all other HAC clubs to celebrate the year’s sporting achievements.

New Members

Membership of the Cricket Club is open to all, you need not be a member of the HAC to play for the cricket teams. Anyone interested in finding out more should get in touch with the Club Secretary: 

New Members

Membership of the Cricket Club is open to all, you need not be a member of the HAC to play for the cricket teams. Anyone interested in finding out more should get in touch with the Club Secretary: edward.haines@ubs.com

Boston Association

Established in March 1948, the Boston Association maintains the link between the Honourable Artillery Company and the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts (AHAC).

The Association’s primary activity is in the organisation of the Company’s official visits to Boston and assists the AHAC with their visits to London, both of which occur on a ten-year cycle. The Association also holds numerous social functions in furtherance of this purpose, often in line with national holidays in North America, such as Thanksgiving. More broadly, the Association is the link with other formations in the USA and Canada and so helps coordinate additional visits and communications between the members of the HAC and others in North America.

Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts

You can find out more about the AHAC on our Affiliations page.

Sports Club Enquiry Form
HAC Saddle Club, Polo
HAC Football Club