Welcome to the Honourable Artillery Company
The Honourable Artillery Company was established by Royal Charter on 25th August 1537. Since the 17th century the Company has also been described as a Regiment, and since 1964 has been registered as a charity (charity no 208443).
Its charitable purpose, in line with its original charter, is “for military exercise and training and for the better defence of the realm”. The HAC has occupied Artillery Garden since 1641 and Armoury House, its Headquarters and Mess, was built in 1734.
The HAC comprises two indivisible parts: the Regiment (part of the Army Reserve), and a membership of 2,500 active and veteran personnel. It also runs two CCF contingents, a Special Constabulary Detachment and ceremonial sub-units.
The Company’s civil and financial affairs, together with its many clubs and societies, are managed by the Court of Assistants and the Company staff administer the membership, finances, property and facilities.